Interested in joining the team?
Destination Elevation
Destination Elevation ▲
Team OpenHaus is unlike any other real estate team and company. Our innovative approach and uniquely gifted team members makes for a bountiful team dynamic and a diverse offering for our clientele. Here at OpenHaus we believe in thinking differently and forging a new path to success.
We are not afraid to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of what is possible in the industry.
Real estate at elevation truly means to us, high-level service, high-level communication, high-level problem resolution, high-level customer service and a high-level of fortitude. We are exceptional at what we do, because we do business in an exceptional way.
We rise by lifting others! In this we urge to you apply for consideration to join our team!
At this time we are considering applications for Administrative Agent Assistant (unlicensed), or Showing Agent / Buyer Specialist (licensed).